outdoor training

5 Reasons to Train Outdoors


I know the weather doesn’t always cooperate, but training outdoors is hugely beneficial to the mind and body. Her are 5 reasons you should be getting outside to exercise:

  1. Studies have shown that physical activity outdoors lowers a person's blood pressure and heart rate. As a result, exercise outdoors feels less strenuous than similar exercise indoors, which, in turn, pushes you closer to your maximum performance. Train outdoors, push yourself to the limit and keep breaking your personal record!

  2. Training outside gives you exercise but also vitamin D! Vitamin D is super important for the bodies normal processes. Sunlight also enhances energy generation in the muscles and oxidation of the tissues. When training outdoors, take account of the possible harm caused by excessive sunlight, such as dehydration and sunburn. So don’t forget protective sunscreen and hydration while training outdoors!

  3. Break the routine! Perform your indoor workout outdoors and include movements such as bodyweight exercises, which are easy to do outside. Most bodyweight exercises are multi-joint movements and therefore super effective! A bodyweight workout will enhance your coordination, balance and mobility in particular.

  4. Most outdoor workout sites such as sports parks and tracks are open to everyone, free of charge. This will enable you to train and spend time exercising together with your friends and nearest and dearest, who do not go to the same gym with you. Moreover, training outdoors is an excellent opportunity to meet new people while performing your workout!

  5. According to Environmental Science and Technology journal, just five minutes walking in green space is enough to reduce stress and increase your motivation to stay active. In their research, those who exercised within view of a river or lake experienced the biggest mental boost. Best reroute that commute.

Need some help coming up with a training program that works outdoors? I’m here to help! Click the link below to book a free assessment today!