nutrition help

3 Tips For Starting Your Diet Off Right...

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I have been a nutrition coach for over a decade. I have many clients successfully reach their goals, and others who didn’t come close. The ones that succeeded had a few key things in common. Here are 3 action steps that successful dieters do:

  1. Set a Start Date: This may seem obvious, but setting a start date to your diet is an extremely powerful tool. When you set a date, it plants your flag in the sand. “This is where my shitty eating stops!” It also gives you time to prepare for your new diet. Creating a grocery list, figuring out your macros and calories, and going shopping takes time. If you start a diet on a whim, you usually run into the problem of not having the right food around and BANG! You end up and the McDonald’s drive-through and your diet is derailed before you even get started.

  2. Clean Out Your Pantry and Refrigerator: When you are trying to change your diet and you have the temptations of ice cream staring at you in the freezer, it makes sticking to your diet more challenging. Donate the food, give it to your neighbors, or just throw it out! 86 the junk, and see the bodyfat start to drop.

  3. Find Support: Talking about your lifestyle and nutritional changes is super important to success in changing your diet. I’ve performed hundreds of nutrition consultations, and a lot of them include the spouse or significant other of the client. Getting everyone on board in the household and being transparent of what will help and what will hurt progress is key. It also prevents resentment as the client and their significant other can hear each other’s concerns from the beginning and work through these hurdles early on, rather than weeks down the line. Your friends and family want what’s best for you. Don’t let a tough conversation stand in your way of the fitness of your dreams.

Though creating a new routine can be challenging, these tips can help greatly to the long term success of a nutrition overhaul. One last aspect that increases successful dieting exponentially is accountability. Someone who will check in on you regularly, create a plan of attack, and help you when you fall off the wagon is invaluable. That’s where I can help. If you have been trying to change your diet on your own, and you are left frustrated and spinning your wheels, set up a free assessment today. We can work together to find the areas that need improvement and set a course to the best version of you!