nutrition coach

Does Fat Make You Fat?


“But shouldn’t I not be eating any fat?” I was asked at a recent nutrition consultation.  “It’s not that simple,” I replied.  

You see, fat is fairly benign when it comes to affecting blood sugar and insulin, so fat can be a helpful macronutrient when it comes to adding in calories to your diet without having it affect energy levels and food cravings.  And since fat is calorically dense, it can help under-eaters or those who are looking to put on some lean body mass consume more calories.  On the other hand, fat is also the macronutrient I will adjust during a weight loss phase of dieting in order to regulate the number of calories the client is consuming.  However, I make sure clients are getting enough fat (though minimums can be pretty low) in order to maintain healthy hormones, regulate inflammation, and aid in vitamin absorption.

So where does this idea that fat makes you fat come from?  From best selling author Gary Taubes, “Starting in 1977, the government started telling all Americans to eat less fat, and starting in the mid-'80s, we started producing these low-fat products that in effect replaced the fat in the yogurt or the cookies or the whatever with carbohydrates. We went from being a country that ate about 40 percent of their calories in fat and 45 percent carbohydrates, to 34 percent fat and that much more carbohydrates. Conceivably, this belief that set in, that carbohydrates could be eaten to excess and wouldn't cause weight gain, that they were both heart healthy and the ideal diet, might have had some effect on weight.”

But it turns out, eating fat won't make you fat. In fact, research shows that low-fat diets don't seem to aid in weight loss or in reducing risk of disease compared to higher fat diets. And all those refined carbs you've been eating to replace that fat might be the real issue.

At the end of the day it’s about finding the right balance of calories and macronutrients in order to feel good, and accomplish your individual goals.  That’s where I come in.  I work with clients to break down exactly what their goals are and how we can use healthy eating practices to achieve those goals.  If you are ready to get started, click the link below to book a free assessment today!