ketogenic diet

Is A Ketogenic Diet Right For You?


Whether from the internet, magazines, and or social media, you have probably heard of the ketogenic diet before. The ketogenic diet promotes amazing fat loss and other health benefits. But what is a ketogenic diet, what are the benefits, and is the ketogenic diet right for you?

First, what is a ketogenic diet? When fasting we deplete liver glycogen (a stored carbohydrate) and the body tends to shift into a state of ketosis. In this state ketone bodies (produced from fat) are used in place of glucose for most energy needs, but in particular by the brain. Because glucose (and some other foods particular to the individual) will bump you out of ketosis, the diet consists mainly of higher fat, moderate protein, and little to no carbohydrates (mimicking the affects of the fast by using ketones as fuel). Note: though this is a “low carb diet” you can still not be in ketosis and be low carb. Remember, even a little amount of carb timed incorrectly can kick you out of ketosis and impede fat utilization.

Second, what are the health benefits?

  • Burn stored body fat

  • stable blood sugar

  • improved sleep

  • decreased hunger

  • consistent energy throughout the day

  • decreased inflammation

  • mitochondrial biogenesis

  • enhanced cognition

  • improved blood lipids

  • decreased disease potential

So, yeah, there is a lot of good when it comes to the ketogenic diet.

Lastly, is the ketogenic diet right for you? That depends. First question to ask, “Does a ketogenic diet fit my lifestyle?” If you have kids, travel often for work, don’t cook, and aren’t diligent about food choices, then a ketogenic diet might not be a great fit for you.

On the other hand, if you check those boxes, and the benefits match your goals, then a ketogenic diet if for you. Later this week, I’ll dive into some commonly asked questions about the ketogenic diet, so stay tuned!

Ultimately, its difficult to make this decision on your own, which is where an experienced nutrition coach can help! Click below to get started today and lets find the perfect diet for you!