dining out

Hack Your Diet While Dining Out!

When it comes to coaching nutrition, I value quality of life for individuals. However, there is a fine balance. To extreme a change, it’s unsustainable. Too little change, and we don’t see results. I see dining out at restaurants (or ordering in) as a low hanging fruit for make significant improvements that won’t seem like much of a difference. If you and your family dine out 2 or 3 times a week, these change will add up quickly and make a real impact on your nutrition goals. Here are 3 dining out hacks that I recommend!

  1. Don’t Change the Rest of Your Nutrition-It happens often. We anticipate our favorite dinner at our favorite restaurant and instead of having our regular breakfast and lunch, we skip lunch or breakfast to give us “room” for dinner. Unfortunately, this ends up leading to overeating at dinner and the calorie deficit you created by skipping a meal has been made up and then some by the bomb that went off at dinner…and dessert. Remember, you are not eating that meal to stuff yourself, you are eating to enjoy a delicious meal with your family and friends. If that means you eat a little less because you are full from lunch, it’s not going to hurt you.

  2. Eat What Your Like…In Moderation-At traditional restaurants, when you order an entrée it’s usually sized for two to three people. Instead of the server bringing you the entire entrée, simply ask if you can get half brought to you and half in a to-go container. That way you don’t have the temptation of eating the entire plate because you dad told you once that you shouldn’t leave any food on your plate because their are kids starving in Africa ; (. Another option would be to get an appetizer and then split an entrée with a friend. This way, you are not wasting any food and you have some variety.

  3. Don’t Drink Empty Calories-There is no easier way to consume empty calories than to order soft drinks while dining out. There is absolutely nothing nutritious in a soft drink and it’s empty calories. Now if the soft drink (or alcoholic) beverage is your indulgence, and the rest of the meal is nutritious, have at it. But if you want to enjoy your meal with less guilt while adhering to more healthful nutrition, 86 the Coca Cola!

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