
3 Tips For Sticking To Your Diet...

Let’s be honest, dieting sucks.  You don’t get to eat the foods you want.  You have to constantly be on guard of letting unhealthy food sneak into your kitchen. Heck, you may even have to abstain from certain social situations because of the food or alcohol involved.  As I have said to many of my nutrition clients before, “When you are changing something BIG, you can only measure what you are losing, not what you are going to be receiving.”  I’ve seen proof of this time and time again.  Most of the time, nutrition clients are only eating and drinking a certain way because it’s all they know.  However, once we make these changes and they stick, it’s easier, gives them more freedom, and makes them feel and look better.

Here are three tips that you should be using right now!   

  1. Be mindful of what precedes a cheat- When first working with a client, I don’t ask them to stop eating poorly.  Why?  In the long run, I don’t want them to have to rely solely on willpower, so determining the why behind the cheat is important.  When eating junk or drinking booze, what thoughts, feelings, and emotions preceded the treat?  Are you exhausted from work and looking to unwind?  Did you have an emotional argument with a spouse? Until we determine the motivating factors behind the poor nutrition choices, it’s always going to be lurking in the shadows, ready to strike when our willpower drops off.  

  2. Stay out of the kitchen- You’d be surprised at how strong the association between being in a specific place triggers a physiological and psychological response.  My advice is if you are bored, STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN!

  3. If you feel hungry, wait 10 minutes- For those of us who are just starting a new nutrition routine, it’s tough to tell whether or not you are hungry out of habit, or you are actually in need of nourishment.  A good way to determine the difference is to give yourself a little time after you start to feel hungry.  If after 10 or so minutes you are still hungry or more hungry, it may be time for a meal or snack.

Need some more dieting and nutrition tips? I’m here to help.  Click the link in my bio to set up a free assessment today!