
Diaphragmatic Breathing For Aging Athletes


Over the last 7 years, I have utilized exercises to improve breathing mechanics (Postural Restoration Institute) for not only warm-ups and cool-downs but for progressing athletes and clients in advanced movement. Take the back squat for example; you are trying to simultaneously flex the hip and knees while supporting a load on the back of the shoulders (axial loading on the spine). This may seem like a simple and easy thing to do, but as we look at what it takes to progress the squat in load and get the most out of it, we see that the position of the ribcage plays an enormous factor in whether or not the movement is being used properly. To improve squatting, pressing, and hinging mechanics, we must create a solid foundation to build on. Enter diaphragmatic breathing.

Diaphragmatic breathing is something we are born to do. However, we learn compensatory breathing patterns through our modern day living that ends up ruining what we are biologically made to do. Take a look at a baby/infant breath, move, squat, etc.. This is how we are born to move. The more we sit in chairs, avoid primal moving patterns (squatting, hinging, crawling, pressing), and overuse certain movements/exercises the deeper these new patterns are ingrained.

Fortunately, we can relearn how to properly move, and it starts with understanding optimal breathing to access the widest capacity of movement (NOTE: NOT NECESSARILY THE BEST SINCE BEST IS SUBJECTIVE). It's not as simple as sucking air in and pushing it out. If we focus only on those actions, we are not addressing the root problem: What strategy are we using to execute inhalation and exhalation. In this video, I review breathing mechanics we use for postural exercises (influenced by Zac Cupples, Bill Hartman, and The Postural Restoration Institute), including points of emphasis for aging athletes. Aging athletes tend to have less mobility in the ribcage (influenced by aforementioned activities) and need special consideration when relearning how to use the diaphragm in breathing.

The biggest take away: practice your breathing mechanics daily and you will see your mobility (both upper and lower body improve) and chronic pain diminish. Need a personalized touch to your mobility routine? I'm here to help. Click the link below to see up a free assessment today and let's move toward the best version of you.

The Best Deadlift for Athletes With Lower Back Pain

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If you have trained with me, you know the deadlift I am talking about: The Trap Bar Deadlift. There are many deadlifts, but when I am working with beginners, or athletes who have had a history of lower back issues, I DO NOT SHY AWAY FROM DEADLIFTING. Sorry, I had to shout that, but it’s true. I want to train you to hinge properly. I want to take away the fear of bending over and picking something up off the ground, something you are bound to do on an everyday basis. So what makes the trap bar deadlift different? Let’s break it down:

  1. You have no bar blocking your shins, which is a saving grace for longer-legged lifters, lifters with back problems, or lifters with mobility restrictions. This allows athletes to “feel the floor” better and drive the ground away rather than pulling the bar up.

  2. You're using a neutral grip. That means no mixed grip (which has a high risk of biceps tears) and a posture that more easily engages your upper back and keeps you closer to anatomical position. Since the handles are down by the sides, the weight is more toward the center off mass taking stress off the lower back. That's huge.

  3. You get to pull from a slightly higher point (at least when you go high-handle). This decreases the demand for hip mobility and ribcage mechanics. You get to deadlift from a higher point.

If you have been avoiding deadlifts because you throw your back out every time you do it, you should give the trap bar a try. They are probably collecting dust at your local gym, or can be purchased on Amazon for around $100 (they are well worth the investment).

If you are dealing with lower back issues and are afraid to deadlift, I am here to help. Click the link below to book a free assessment today and let’s get you moving toward the best version of you!