core workout

Better Side Plank for Relieving Back Pain

Since following Postural Restoration philosophies, I have changed the way I think about certain movements. One of those movements is the side plank hold. The side plank is a staple in any performance, prehab, or rehab routine, but it usually isn't hitting the muscles that it's supposed to hit. Let me explain.

The traditional side plank is used to increase strength in the obliques. Feet stacked and hips perpendicular to the floor. Because of the positioning and natural tendency for most to use their lower back (QL) during the exercise, the traditional feet stacked plank usually emphasizes back muscles rather than core muscles. When we stagger the stance and rotate the hip slightly so that the belly button is pointed more toward the ground, we get a much better internal oblique and transverse abdominas emphasis. This would lead to better breathing and trunk stability (helping with back pain).

The next time you do planks, switch up the foot position and rotate the hips. You'll feel more abs! Looking for more help with your back pain? I'm here to help! Book a free assessment today!

side plank variations for back pain

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If you have followed me for a bit, it should come as no surprise that I believe a weak core is a precursor to lower back pain and injury. But what does “weak core” really mean? An assessment tool I use to determine the strength of a client’s core and how at risk they are is the side plank hold. My gold standard for my clients is a 90 second side plank per side. From there I increase the variation and difficulty depending on the needs of the individual.

The side plank is so important because the muscles that are targeted (internal and external obliques) are primary respiration and postural muscles. When these muscles become inactive and weak, they have a hard time helping us breathe and stabilize the spine. Integrating side planks into your workout routine is a must for aging athletes and youths alike. Below is a video compilation of some of my favorite side plank variations. Toss them into your next work to test your core!

Need help with exercise selection and a training program that works for your specific needs? I am here to help! Click the link below to book a free assessment today. Your back will thank me later!