cooking hacks

Nitro Cold Brew At Home For Under $2

Nitro Cold Brew At Home IG.jpg

Since I first tried nitro cold brew coffee, I was hooked. But I couldn’t stand paying $4-5 each time I wanted one. I decided to do some research and get the 411 on making your own cold brew at home. It’s actually simple and you can prepare it in the time it takes you to brew a pot of coffee.

Here is what you are going to need:


  1. Pour 12oz. of cold brew coffee (chilled) into canister

  2. Secure top

  3. Place NO2 cartridge in holster, screw onto tread

  4. Leave alone for minimum of 3 minutes

  5. Shake a few time

  6. Place nozzle against glass and slowly start to stream nitro cold brew into glass (go easy so you don’t make a mess!)

  7. ENJOY!!!

It is really that simple. No extra calories. Less than $2 a glass. It’s amazing.

Give it a shot!

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