beginner workout

The Most Important Workout for Ageless Athletes...

The Most Important Workout for Ageless Athletes The 60 minute walk is the most important workout any ageless athlete can leverage for getting started with a exercise plan or for recovery if you been training. In this video, I highlight exactly why the 60 minute walk is so important!

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How to Start a New Workout Routine...

Starting a new or first time workout routine? Awesome! Before you get started watch this video so you don’t fall into these three traps!

Trap #1: Having No Schedule: When it comes to a new fitness routine, you have to plan your day around your workout. If you say you're going to workout after work but you're unsure about what time you'll get off work, you're going to run into some major problems. Why? Because free time can always be filled up with work and chores.

In this case, you're better off getting your workout in first thing in the morning since you don't know what the rest of your day will look like. Set your alarm for 6am, and get that workout in.

Trap #2: Your workouts are too challenging: Fitness isn't built in a day. Trust me I’ve seen hundreds of clients come out guns blazing in the new year, smashing 60 minute workouts or running 5ks daily, only to putter out by February. The gains you make in one month of intense training will be nothing compared to one year of consistency.

Keep your workouts short, simple, and relatively easy. Remember, if you're new to exercise, you aren't trying crush crazy workouts, you're simply trying tp build the habit of just lacing up your shoes and working out daily. Making time and space for exercise.

If in the beginning you are doing four 30 minute walks per week and it seems easy, great! In three months time, what have you accomplished? Not only have you taken 60,000 steps, but you have also shown yourself that you have time to workout! Now you have the confidence, discipline, and experience to step your workouts up from there. Keep your workouts simple and easy in the beginning with few obstacles, and you will party for a long time, not just a good time.

Trap #3: Taking too many days off between workouts. When building a new habit, you need to signal the brain often in order for that habit to stick.

Imagine you're a skier, and the last 20+ years of sedentary behavior has created deep groves in the snow. In order to create new grooves, you have to go down that new path often. If you're planning three circuit training workouts a week, on the days you’re not training, go for a walk, meal prep, or try something fun and new DURING YOUR WORKOUT TIME. What we are trying to do is tell the brain, "Hey, it's time to workout and be healthy," every day of the week. In the beginning take no days off!

These three tips can help you get started but having a personalized touch to your workouts and lifestyle practices increases your chances of success immensely. Then there’s accountability which studies show can increase your chances of having a habit stick by 65%! At Floch Fitness we are here to create the best version of you. If you're ready to change your life, click the link below to set up a free assessment and we can work together to determine the best path toward success.